I just tested this in a listen server - I can get 22 damage off the top of a fire escape in the first part of No Mercy, with virtually no horizontal movement. I've done some pounces with nearly zero horinzontal travel (kind of drop-pounce from a roof or from a fire staircases in some alleys) and still did some damage, up to 9. "The Hunter bonus pounce damage is based on how far you traveled horizontally, therefore launching straight up or down is not the most effective pounce." then I went to listen to the sound files and I didn't him say anything. I haven't but someone did on the charger discussion page and said that during one of his growls, he/she heard him say,"your time is now". but I've never heard the hunter say anything other than "RYEEE!" maybe he likes rye bread. Could I have some pills?" the witch says "STOP CALLING ME EMO!>:O".

The smoker is like "I just need Love!" and the tank is all like "YOU LITTLE GIRLY-MEN! YOUR MUSCLES REMIND ME OF PILLOWS! PUMP UP DEM ABS! PUMP DEMS!" The hunter is like "I'm slim shady, yes I'm the real shady." Boomer is like "I think I ate too much. That would be as funny as crap if the zombies could talk. Oh, has also happened with a Smoker, too.- Supermutantslayer 450 RO A R! 21:15, Octo(UTC) anyone hav any help?- Supermutantslayer450 03:14, Septem(UTC) so, i cant think of anything else it could be. I havnt heard them say anything, but i play with subtitles on, and, quite a few times today, actually, the subs said "hunter voice." This is odd, because the growling is just titled as "Hunter Growling".

Has anybody else actually heard them say an intelligible phrase? If so, what? - Stigma-231 † God is dead I've never heard Hunters say anything, not while playing as them, not while dealing with them face-to-face. ".this boss-infected will whisper dark phrases and growl to alert you of his presence"